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Why Aromatherapy Massage?

Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy harnessing the benefits of essential oils which are applied to the skin through a massage. Essential oils react with our body’s chemistry, promoting emotional and physical effects on the body. Clinical trials have proved that the use of essential oils can help relieve stress, treat skin conditions and help issues with the psychological, muscular, circulatory, digestive and respiratory systems. 

Some of the main concerns my clients see me with which aromatherapy has helped are;

  • Stress relief

  • Pain management

  • Improved sleep quality

  • Enhanced mood

  • Skin health


The Power Of Scent

Has a scent ever whisked you back to a vivid memory? Some of the common triggers for many tend to be freshly cut grass, bluebells or maybe a log fire burning. The reason why scent is so evocative is because our sense of smell, which we often overlook, is the sense closest linked to memory.

This, alongside the effect essential oils have on our body’s chemistry, explain why aromatherapy is so powerful. When we are massaged with a blend containing essential oils, they are absorbed into our bloodstream and begin to work synergistically with our bodies, promoting homeostasis and balance. When massaged, we also inhale the scent molecules which are then stored in the amygdala (the part of the brain associated with emotion and memory) which then triggers the response of relaxation when we next encounter that scent again.

“Tia truly listened and understood when I talked about some back pain I'd been experiencing and helped ease these areas of tension. Tia also gave me some helpful tips on how to try and prevent further tension from building up due to posture and I'm really looking forward to continuing massage treatments with her. Not only did she target these areas, the whole experience was so calming and relaxing that overall I just feel more like myself again. I would highly recommend a treatment with Tia and your body is absolutely a worthy investment.”